Friday, October 14, 2011

October 14

I am moving on from "Part of you World", but as I am working on other songs I will still continue to play it, preparing for the in-class presentation in December. Here is part of the song, I'm sorry that the camera doesn't have the best sound quality!

I also sight read "A Spoonful of Sugar". It was awful! So I will go back to that later and try one of the other songs that I picked out, maybe one of those two is a lot easier!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 1- October 11

I have been working on using my left and right hand together for the past week and a half. In band I play the clarinet, so I can read the treble clef notes. But the left hand is in bass clef, so I am having trouble reading the notes for that. I wrote in all of the note names on the music so that I can still play with my left hand. But when I try to play without the written in notes I get lost and I can't play it right. I can now go through all of "Part of your World" using both hands and keeping a steady pace! I will continue to practice it until the end of the week and then I will switch to just the right hand of "A Spoonful of Sugar" and I will work my way into using both hands again. I am really enjoying playing the piano! I like how I can play multiple notes at once and how I can make the entire song and not need other instruments to back me up! It's really fun.