Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29

Today as I was working on "Part of your World", I started to be really concerned about how it was sounding. The notes just didn't sound right together. After a while I remembered what Mr. Matthys always tells us before starting a piece, LOOK AT THE KEY SIGNATURE! It turns out that "Part of your World" is in F-sharp! After  realizing that I marked in all of the sharps. This time when I played it, it sounded right (only I play it really slow, and I'm still only using my right hand). Tomorrow when I practice I will add in my left hand!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28

I began with the song from The Little Mermaid, 'Part of you World',  because of the songs I have picked, this seems to be the easiest to start out with. My mom is teaching me how to play, so for right now I have tape marking each of the keys notes. By the end of this project I hope to be able to play without using the tape. This is going to be especially hard for me though because I don't know how to read the notes for the left hand (because it is not in treble clef). I tried to sight read this piece but I didn't have much success with the right hand and the left hand going at the same time. It's hard for me to be reading two lines at once!

September 28

After looking through a lot of piano books I have found four songs that I like and that are at a level that I could be at by December. My song choices are:

PART OF YOUR WORLD from The Little Mermaid,

I DREAMED A DREAM from Les Miserables (taken from the glee piano book),

A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR from Mary Poppins, and

THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM from Man of La Mancha (taken from The Most Beautiful Broadway Ballads piano book).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Laker Band Google Project

For my Google Project I will be learning how to play the piano! I have always wanted to learn how to play but I never got around to it. My plan for this project is to practice during the time given to us in class and also at home for at least 30 minutes five days a week.